The proofs of Living with Ghosts have come and gone, so I guess that means this is really happening. It looks great, even with the odd surprise where my spelling has become Americanised. ‘Honor’ still looks a little strange to me, but it’s the meaning that matters, not the letters, and I’ve always rather preferred ‘gray’ to ‘grey’ anyway. Publication date is early March of 2009. I don’t know whether to be excited, anxious or just confused. A mix of all three, probably.
   And welcome to the website, if you’re reading this. This first entry is somewhat experimental, as I’m not used to writing out into the big out-there. I didn’t manage to mention all the people who have helped me over the years with Living With Ghosts in the acknowledgements in the book itself – there were simply too many names to fit in. So I thought I’d do it here. These are the people (and some cats) who read, commented, supported, endured, helped and were just plain there between 1990 when I started writing the very first – and very different – draft. There’s no particular order to this. It’s just as it comes.
   Phil Nanson, who read every draft, housed, fed and clothed me and continues to do so. Mike Whitaker, the only person apart from me and Phil (my other half) who read the first draft. Geoff Ryman, who told me to go for it as a writer. The Apple writers’ workshop – Caroline Mullan, Christina Lake, Brian Ameringen, Jackie Duckworth, Michael Abbott, Valerie Housden, Steve Bull. John Dallman. Austin Benson. Sue Mason, who read version 2point something in ms and wouldn’t give it back. Nik Ravenscroft and Moira J Shearman, the two best friends ever. Karen Kelly. Colin Greenland, another fine writing teacher. Gwyneth Jones and the Wincon 2 writers’ workshop. Lisanne Norman, splendid friend, splendid writer, and heroine of the world (so there). Caspian, who couldn’t read (being a cat) but who sat on most of the versions, shed on everything and kept me company for 13 years. Michael Scott. Colette Reap. The Friday 13th writers’ group – Michael Abbott (again), Jackie (again – these two are very long-suffering) and Anne F Wilson. The attendees of Milford UK 2007 – Liz Williams, Jacey Bedford, Jaine Fenn, Karen Williams, Heather Lindsey, Alys Sterling, Dave Clements, Dave Gullan, Tina Anghelatos, Sandra Unerman, Jim Anderson, Vaughan Stanger and Terry Edge. Ellen Kushner and Delia Sherman. Chaz Brenchley, the Guru of the North. Cecilia Dart-Thornton. Alexandre Dumas pere and his musketeers – especially Aramis! My editor Sheila Gilbert. Joshua Starr. Christian McGrath, who created the beautiful cover. Ian Watson and the ghost of H. G. Wells. Storm Constantine. Donna Scott. Mooncat, for keeping the keyboard warm. Iskander, for sitting on me at all the best and worst times. Horus-paws, for loud reminders about meal-times. (Yes, I’m thanking my cats. It’s traditional.) Justina Robson and Adam Roberts, who shook me hard and made me get myself organised. The old Thursday’s party – Phil, Michael A yet again, Marcus Streets, Christine Linton, Steve Linton, John Dallman, Mike Whitaker.
   And more. This list is sure to grow.